1·Secondly, the voluntary agreement of energy-saving features of the law.
2·That, and the threat of being accused of collusion, make unlikely any voluntary agreement to limit pay.
3·But figures for the month of May suggest that since the voluntary agreement ended, the supermarkets' performance has dipped.
4·When a voluntary agreement came into force in Britain, at the start of the year, people rushed out to buy the last 100-watt light bulbs.
今年年初,英国相关自愿协议的亦开始实施,于是,人们争购最后一批10 0瓦灯泡。
5·It may be too late for Chrysler's secured creditors and if GM's lenders cannot reach a voluntary agreement, they may face a similar fate.
6·But can it be enforced? The answer technically is no - it's a voluntary agreement and there are no penalties for those who don't control wages.
7·Carriers who transport goods destined for the United States must apply by returning a Voluntary Agreement and a Supply Chain Security Profile Questionnaire to Customs.
8·WRAP also cajoled Britain’s biggest supermarkets and food suppliers into signing a voluntary agreement to halt the growth in packaging by last year and start reducing it from 2010.
9·WRAP also cajoled Britain's biggest supermarkets and food suppliers into signing a voluntary agreement to halt the growth in packaging by last year and start reducing it from 2010.
10·As in the case of ordinary, bilateral market exchange, voluntary agreement of the parties involved is the ultimate test of mutual gains from such multilateral exchange of commitments.